Items of Comfort

Spring of 2020 began an unusual time for most of us. The global health crisis and social distancing essentially shut Make It Sew to regular business for several months. During that time, Make It Sew’s staff produced thousands of fabric masks and prepared materials for even more.

Acknowledging that this period in our lives is difficult for everyone, and wondering how people were coping, I asked on Facebook, “What brings you comfort in this time?” The responses were fascinating—and inspiring.

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Since creating a business around my favorite pastime in 2017, I had been without a satisfying creative outlet. During this summer, when I finally had some downtime, I began to explore relief printing. I found inspiration in my community’s answers to the question “What brings you comfort,” and carved and printed the items and activities that you told me bring you comfort during this wild and crazy time.

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Now in the new room—the expansion—”Sew Much More”—you’ll find a selection of personal and home accessories including pillows, tote bags and plant cozies that are made from hand-block-printed fabrics and which we hope will bring you comfort.


Greeting Cards


Christmas Ornament Contest - 2020